

Service Details

TRANSIT TO KSA Normal Shipment E-Commerce Shipment

  • Normal Transit Shipments
  • E-Commerce Shipments

Safe Way Express provides services via Jabal Ali, Bahrain & Jeddah port logistics bonded Warehouses, facilities using Cargo will arrive our bonded facilities so export Docs can be done for final destination delivery avoiding customs duty amount and vat it can be done by Air, Sea and Road.


Transit shipments via Bahrain

Import From ROW

To Bounded W/H in Dubai

Getting Approvals and Documentations

Arrange Transit Bayan

Send it to GLS in Bahrain

Change Docs in GLS and arrange Bayan

Send it to final destination in KSA via cusway

Delivery to Customer

Normal Shipment

Transit shipments via KFIA

Import From ROW

To Bounded W/H in Dubai

Getting Approvals and Documentations

Arrange Transit Bayan

Send Shipment to KFIA

Clear the Shipment and Offload it in W/H

Send it to Final Destination in KSA via cusway

E-Commerce Shipment

Working Procedures for Export from CHINA to WORLD - B2C

Domestic Pickup

Console Shipment

Safety Check and Documentations

To Depot for export Clearance

Air Freight

Customer Clearance By Safe Way Express in BAH Bonded Area

Delivery To Customer